The Lie of "Drinking Responsibly"

by David J. Stewart

Alcohol effects graphicAlcohol IS A DRUG!!! It affects the entire body. Actually, a driver can be impaired with a U.S. blood-alcohol level as low as .03. When you drink alcohol, it goes straight from the stomach to the bloodstream. Alcohol can be detected in the blood as fast as five minutes after drinking, and it's effects — most obvious in the central nervous system — peak in about 30 to 45 minutes.

Alcohol depresses the central nervous system which, in turn, impairs motor function, motor performance, speech and eye movements. These skills are not only slowed down, they are performed more inaccurately. Alcohol also affects the ability to think and reason clearly.
Everywhere we go nowadays, people are bombarded with advertisements to "Drink Responsibly"; yet, in spite of the warnings, people are still being maimed and injured by drunk drivers. Little children are still being killed. Who's kidding who? What the lying beer companies will NEVER tell you is that NO AMOUNT of alcohol is safe while driving.
"The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's (NHTSA) position on the relationship between blood alcohol concentration and driving is that driving performance degrades after just one drink."

"The man who votes for the saloon is pulling on the same rope with the Devil, whether he knows it or not." —Billy Sunday

The alcohol companies are a bunch of dirty rotten LIARS!