Basic Understanding Of The 'New World Order'

By David J. Stewart | July 2008 | Updated July 2019

“In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.” —2nd Corinthians 4:4

It's important that every Christian have a basic understanding of the New World Order [NWO]. By God's grace, I'll explain what it all means. Please pray and ask God to speak to your heart as I speak to your mind. The Bible teaches that our battle as Christians is not against flesh and blood, but AGAINST THE RULERS OF THE DARKNESS OF THIS WORLD . . .

Ephesians 6:10-12, “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

First, no one can properly understand what’s going on in the world today unless you begin with the Word of God. The Bible teaches in 2nd Corinthians 4:4 that Satan is the god (little g) of this sinful world. The earth belongs to the Lord God almighty (1st Corinthians 10:26); but Satan is the god of this world's evil system. As such, Satan needs a way to control this world. Thus, Satan recruits willing servants (called “Luciferians”) who operate through occult organizations to accomplish his agendas. The word “occult” means hidden, or secret. Satan must hide his works because they are evil and most people would never go along if they saw the plain truth.
So the Devil must trick and deceive people (Matthew 7:15; 2nd Corinthians 11:13-15). This is what the Bible means in Daniel 8:25 when it says that the Antichrist “by peace shall destroy many.” A Godless, Global, Communist, Totalitarian, Police State is rising up under the disguise and masquerade of Democracy! Literally, the masses of the world will be deceived and led as cattle to the slaughter. It is already happening today! See, Signs of Satan. What the Devil could not achieve through military conquest and brute force, that is, World Government, he is achieving today through stealth (international trade agreements, the fraud of 'Global Warming,' global banking fraud, the influential ungodly entertainment industry, moral breakdown of society, et cetera).
In Matthew 4:9-10 the Devil offered Jesus fame and fortune if He'd bow to worship and serve him. Jesus quoted the Holy Scriptures to defeat Satan. ...
NOTE: Many people (like Adam Levine of 'MAROON 5') are today taking Satan up on his offer (instead of obeying The Golden Rule to 'do unto others as you'd have them do unto you,' they are selling their soul to Satan), selling their very soul for worldly fame, pleasures and fortune. For his satanic 'ANIMALS' video, Adam Levine was paid $50 million in 2013-2014. Hollywood's boss is Satan. The music industry is controlled by satanic occultists! Many artists today are singing about 'The Illuminati.' The 'Illuminati' refers specifically to the top leaders of the Luciferian conspiracy who are working to bring in THE BEAST system of the coming AntiChrist.
The Luciferian conspiracy exists on earth today, which is visibly at work destroying America, and has continued throughout the civilizations of history, began long ago when Lucifer initiated his rebellion in Heaven against the throne of God (Isaiah 14:12-16 - King James Bible). THE LUCIFERIAN CREED (excellent quotes from the awesome book titled, 'SATAN, PRINCE OF THIS WORLD' by Commander William Guy Carr, 1895-1959). Please read, Taylor Swift And Satanism.

America's Secret Destiny Is To Usher In World Government

Karl Marx (1818-1883) is considered by most students of history to be the father of modern-day Communism. Marx was a devout satanist in college and a Luciferian-worshipper throughout his life. He was also a member of the underground Illuminati. Marx was a Jewish high-level Freemason and infiltrator, working for the sinister International Banking Cartel. William Guy Carr does an excellent job exposing the agenda of the Banksters in his incredibly informative book, PAWNS IN THE GAME (published in 1958).
Marx's infamous COMMUNIST MANIFESTO was a virtual reprint of Illuminati founder, Adam Weishaupt's blueprint for World Government back in 1775. The summarized 10 Planks of Marx's Communist Manifesto are shocking when you realize that they totally describe America today. Why do you think President Obama and the liberals want our guns? You haven't seen anything yet until our guns are gone. Fascist, cruel and inhumane mistreatment of citizens will become the norm. The Brutal History Of NWO Communism (if you think IT CAN'T HAPPEN HERE, you're wrong!). The Bloody History Of Communism (a full-length 2:08 hour film; this is some really bizarre stuff! In the preceding film, a Cambodian woman is shown putting a plastic bag over a man's head, as he is being held down by others, to suffocate him. PolPot mercilessly murdered over 2,000,000 Cambodians, over half with a plastic bag over their head, because they didn't want to waste the money on bullets. The same plastic bags were used repeatedly to take away the lives of those innocent people. There is a Devil.
Few Americans have ever learned the truth that the Revolutionary War of 1776 was a direct result of the Illuminati's plans to achieve World Government, aka, a New World Order. This has been America's Secret Destiny since the very beginning, as outlined and evidenced in 33rd degree Freemason and prolific author, Manly P. Hall's eye-opening, insightful, book, AMERICA'S SECRET DESTINY. It was Manly P. Hall who correctly stated, “The best place to hide a LIE is between two TRUTHS!” (and so it is in society today). Also, Hall states that the most effective deception is the half-truth, because in part it can be contested with incontestable logic. Pretty intense stuff, huh? Clearly, Freemasons are trained, professional and cunning masters of deceit, lies and swaying public opinion for their organization's secret agendas.
You can read Ralph A. Epperson's excellent eye-opening 3:59 hour Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, which explains in detail how the New World Order is being formed and it's beginnings...
AMERICA'S SECRET DESTINY (presentation by prolific author & researcher Ralph A. Epperson). Epperson goes into detail about how the seal for Benjamin Franklin's The Order Of Quest was used for the symbol (seal) of our nation. Epperson also quotes and explains numerous statements from Manly P. Hall's works. This official government seal has been on the back of every U.S. one-dollar bill since the 1930's. Occultists love to place occult symbols in plain view, mocking the ignorance of the common man, boasting at their exploits as their private orgies and drunken parties; relishing as overlords over a dumbed-down, comatose, society of drug-crazed, out of control, high on prescription drugs, confused, dead-eyed form drinking fluoride for years, et cetera. The average America these days is totally dumbed-down, lethargic, obese, confused, tired, and relies solely upon the television to form their opinions. People worship the gods of sports, video games, gadgets, computers, cellphones, texting, searching for information and television. Anything that you place as a higher priority in your daily life than personal time in prayer and Bible reading is idolatry. God created you and me because he needs our worship.
To understand the New World Order, you need to understand that the Marxist/Communist/False Jews, behind the 1948 reinstatement of Israel once again as a sovereign nation in Palestine is a COUNTERFEIT ISRAEL. They are searching and waiting for their counterfeit Messiah, that is, the False Christ (Antichrist). True Israel will be regathered as the Lord promised when He returns at the Second Coming. The issue is not Anti-Semitism, God forbid. I love Jewish people, as I love all people from every ethnicity, religion and race. To be Anti-Zionism is entirely different than being Anti-Semitism. Zionism is not about the Jews; but rather, it is about tyranny, Marxist control tactics, the ruthless banking cartel, Communist agendas (10 planks) and trying to force God's hand in Palestine. The Lord promised to regather Israel only when He returns in glory, might and power with ten thousands of his saints.
Please read, SATAN'S COUNTERFEIT! So present-day Israel is a fraud. The Antichrist when he comes will be a fraud. Satan's corrupted Bible versions are all frauds. Beware of the Easy-to-Read lie of the new Bible PERversions! Satan's ministers are all frauds, like Dr. John MacArthur, a liberal who denies that Jesus' blood is on the Mercy Seat in Heaven (Hebrews 9:12,22-24).

Don't Sell Your Soul To The Devil

The Devil comes to people today with the same offer of fame and fortune, but most people accept his offer and sell their soul. Everyone who flashes the Satanic hand-sign has sold their soul to Satan. There's no ceremony involved in most cases, people just choose to serve the Devil and good things start happening to advance their career, business, et cetera. But there's a horrible price to pay later on, which most people never consider. Satan always pays with counterfeit money. The pied-piper will come calling! Proverbs 20:17, “Bread of deceit is sweet to a man; but afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel.” All of Satan's apples have worms! THE TRUTH MAY SCARE YOU! (learn about symbols and the Illuminati in this YouTube video). Check out this creepy satanic ritual celebrating the opening of the Gotthard Tunnel in Switzerland on June 1, 2016 (I bypassed th first part of the video, as it contains fruitcakes dancing in their underwear). The Tunnel took 17 years to build. I can't help but wonder if this is one of the mountains that men will flee into in the book of Revelation to escape the wrath of God (Revelation 6:15). They'll be hiding in their own tunnels, which they've dedicated to Lucifer and the Antichrist! Bottomless Pit Opening Soon! (a great video sermon by Pastor Charles Lawson. He talks about the Luciferian Gotthard Tunnel ceremony and what it means).
The Devil works through members of the occult to infiltrate and influence every area of society—religion, the music industry, public schools, Hollywood, The Council On Foreign Relations, the United Nations, Wall Street, corporations, government, et cetera. What does The Great Pyramid and the All Seeing Eye mean? The Great Pyramid was never finished in Egypt. I've never heard anyone explain why, but I think the answer of obvious in view of Genesis 11:7-9. God stopped the erecting of the city and tower of Babel. Satan was behind that conspiracy at Babel, to unite men in rebellion against God. Satan has unfinished business! God had changed all their languages and geographical locations. Satan has tried throughout history to take over the world through military conquest (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome). Each time Satan has failed to complete what he started at Babel.
Today, thousands of years later, the Devil is finally succeeding (by the permissive will of God) to achieve World Government. It's called the “New World Order.” That's what this is all about. Satan wants to complete what he started at Babel, that is, to unite humanity in rebellion against God—by worshipping the Devil and the Antichrist (man of sin) who must come soon. In order to accomplish a new order of World Government, the sovereignty of all the nations must be destroyed. The economy of each nation must be destroyed. This is why America BY DESIGN is being dismantled economically, morally and politically. Every heavy-metal Rock band reveres the number 13, which represents destruction, suicide, death and total destruction.
Such organizations are: Skull and Bones (officially The order Of Death), Rosicrucians, Bohemian Grove, the Russian Orthodox Church, Freemasonry and hundreds of others. The word “occult” means “secret.” Satan operates in secrecy because his works are evil and must be hid from the eyes of the public, lest Christians expose Satan's works of darkness (Ephesians 5:11). Jesus said in John 18:20 that He “spake openly to the world.” Christianity has nothing to hide. Please watch the sermon, Pastor Danny Castle - Its Not Too Late (Preaching on Illuminati, All Seeing Eye, Music Industry, et cetera). There is a hierarchy of power throughout the Luciferian conspiracy.